Excel – Order of Operations

Order of Operations When the programmers developed Excel to do math for us, they programmed Excel to always perform the math using very strict order of operations. Excel will always calculate anything in Parenthesis ( ) first. Always. Then it will calculate any Exponents (^). Then, from left to right, Excel will calculate Multiplication (*) and…

Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows and Mac have keyboard shortcuts, negating the need to take your hands from the keyboard to use the mouse to preform many actions. Below is a list very common keyboard shortcuts. Windows computers use the [CTRL] key, Mac computers use the [CMD] key. Keyboard combination Does This [ESC] The escape key, cancels whatever it…

Mouse Pointers Matter

Click and Drag …. It’s a drag when something unexpected happens, especially when you don’t understand why. Very different things happen in Excel when you click and drag, depending on which mouse pointer is displaying. It’s helpful to be aware of what the most frequently seen pointers are. Review the table below and contact My…

Save vs Save As

Is there a difference between Save and Save As? Have you experienced the frustration of editing a document, knowing you’ve saved it, and then the next time you open the file, it no longer contains the edits you’ve made? Chances are this is because when you saved it, you used the “Save As” command and…