Flash Fill
Work smarter not harder using Flash fill to automate processes
Work smarter not harder using Flash fill to automate processes
When you’re looking for computer training related to your needs, use the search opiton on the title bar (top to the right) to search for posts you’ll find helpful. (It’s the magnifying glass, which some people say looks like a lollypop). Click that and search for the topic which interests you. Try searches like these:…
AutoText Building Blocks Word has many reusable elements you can add to your document. These reusable elements are called “building blocks” and examples include Headers and Footers, as well as cover pages. You can create your own custom building blocks which are specific and relevant to your needs. AutoText is one of those building blocks.…
Word AutoCorrect If you’re a touch typist and use Word, it’s quite likely you make more typo errors than you realize. That’s because every time you type teh or adn, Word is automatically fixing your spelling. Or maybe you struggle with “I before E except after C” and other rules of spelling the English language.…
Technology can be Tricky Each week you have the opportunity to sharpen your skills. In just thirty minutes of free tips Friday you can pick up more efficient ways to accomplish your tasks. Topics covered vary from one week to another, so contact us if you would like added to the weekly reminder email. Regular…
Sharing Your Zoom Screen is Easy Sharing your screen in Zoom enables you to work on the Word document or Excel file you’re trying to understand and have another person (such as the trainer) see what you’re doing. And you can be anywhere. Additionally, you can share mouse and keyboard control. Sharing remote control allows…
We’ve started a YouTube channel! The idea is to post quick (5 minutes) videos for how to accomplish quick tasks. Right now it’s organized into four playlists. Expect periodic modifications and reorganization, as the whole YouTube thing is new and we’re just figuring it out. Playlists: The Windows playlist will feature topics relevant to windows…
Stay on top of learning, regardless of Covid-19 No mater what you want or need to learn, we can get through this together. General Windows topics (such as creating folders, learning how to save (and find them later) files Using email (attaching or downloading photos for example) Ground level experience with Word, Excel, or PowerPoint Even cell phones
Using Absolute References The Fill Handle is Awesome Using the Fill Handle to copy formulas down (or across) a list of data is an incredible time saving feature. However, problems arise when you want to reference a specific cell over and over again. The first formula works great. 10% x $10 results in a $1…
Custom date formats are often useful in your reports. Excel has two quick formats for a date, one is “Short Date” the other is “Long date.” Google Sheets has a simple “Date” format which looks just like Microsoft Excel’s Short Date. Hopefully, by the time you finish this post, you’ll be able to create a…