Flash Fill
Work smarter not harder using Flash fill to automate processes
Work smarter not harder using Flash fill to automate processes
When you’re looking for computer training related to your needs, use the search opiton on the title bar (top to the right) to search for posts you’ll find helpful. (It’s the magnifying glass, which some people say looks like a lollypop). Click that and search for the topic which interests you. Try searches like these:…
Technology can be Tricky Each week you have the opportunity to sharpen your skills. In just thirty minutes of free tips Friday you can pick up more efficient ways to accomplish your tasks. Topics covered vary from one week to another, so contact us if you would like added to the weekly reminder email. Regular…
Sharing Your Zoom Screen is Easy Sharing your screen in Zoom enables you to work on the Word document or Excel file you’re trying to understand and have another person (such as the trainer) see what you’re doing. And you can be anywhere. Additionally, you can share mouse and keyboard control. Sharing remote control allows…
We’ve started a YouTube channel! The idea is to post quick (5 minutes) videos for how to accomplish quick tasks. Right now it’s organized into four playlists. Expect periodic modifications and reorganization, as the whole YouTube thing is new and we’re just figuring it out. Playlists: The Windows playlist will feature topics relevant to windows…
Using Excel Names When using formulas or referring to a specific cell in your worksheet, you’ll typically reference ‘range’ or specific cell. For example, B6:B10 is a range reference, where B6 is a cell reference. A problem with this sort of reference is that it’s not very meaningful and easy to forget. If you want…
The Windows 10 Start menu includes so many apps that it can be overwhelming. With so many choices it can be hard to find the app you’re looking for. You may resort to saving shortcuts on your desktop because that’s what you’ve always done. But then your desktop is cluttered! The Solution The solution is…